Baptists are a people who profess a living faith. Our faith is rooted in Jesus Christ who is “the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” The sole authority for faith and practice is the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament.
As Baptists, we observe two ordinances: water baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper (also known as Communion). These ordinances are public expressions of our obedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Water baptism, while not essential to salvation, is a symbolic expression of our death and burial to the old sin life and a rebirth to a new life in Christ. The Lord’s Supper, reminiscent of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples, is a reminder of Christ’s broken body on the cross and the blood he shed for the remission of our sins. We believe:
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God and the integrity of the Holy Scriptures has been divinely protected through the ages,
- In the Trinity – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit,
- In the deity of Jesus Christ and his virgin birth,
- In the forgiveness of sin through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ,
- That salvation is by grace through faith,
- That Jesus Christ will return to the earth.